Hey I thought some of you might appreciate me letting you know that Mountain Rose Herbs sells their coconut oil for less then I have been able to get it ANYWHERE else. I bought a 5 gallon bucket of it a while back hoping that it would be as good as quality as the other brands I had been buying. We have bought many buckets since!
IT IS GREAT! I love it!
I have also tried some of their oils and herbs and so far have been very impressed. If you use or want to start using coconut oil this is the best quality and price I have ever found!
IT IS GREAT! I love it!
I have also tried some of their oils and herbs and so far have been very impressed. If you use or want to start using coconut oil this is the best quality and price I have ever found!

Click HERE! If they are out of stock just check back soon they will have more in!
If you want to learn more about the benefits of coconut oil you can go here! Some of the things I have used it for or have heard it being used for are:
- moisturizer (I love how soft it makes my skin)
- acne
- oil treatment in hair (I love how soft it makes my hair;)
- frying (the only oil I know of that is still good for you after it has been heated)
- grilling vegetables
- baking (I use constantly in place of butter, shortening, or margarine in recipes)
- a carrier oil
- etc. etc. etc.
What do you use coconut oil for?
I have a bucket of both kinds of coconut oil. I use the virgin kind on toast, or in recipes where the flavor doesn't matter. Other than that I use it for everything you use it for!
We love the raw coconut oil at our house! The flavor is amazing- definitely will be ordering more soon.
Do you use the refined at all? If so what for? We have been using the raw in most everything. What about your olive oil, where do you buy that from? We found cold-pressed olive oil at Sam's club... is that what we want?
Courtney: I actually don't even bother to buy the refined. but I'm sure if you were making soap or something with it that would be a cheaper way to go. I get my Olive oil from Azure Standard, I really like the Bragg's brand Extra Virgin Cold Presssed Olive Oil.
We just placed our first order with mountain rose herbs and can't wait to try the coconut oil! Of course we looked through the seasonings and picked up the all purpose and mexican seasonings to try!
Do you have any recommendations for switching from a very SAD diet? We're trying to eat more vegan (cooked and raw combined) and so far LOVE the desserts you post...we all really dug into the keylime pie!!! Having a hard time with giving up cheeses though...
Love seeing new posts on your site! It's a highlight here!!! :)
findingtrueserenity: Just keep on making my desserts that way you won't crave the other sweets. Green Smoothies are a great way to get off the SAD diet. They will help nourish you and keep you from craving the stuff you don't need. As far as cheeses go have you tried my different cheeze sauces? Cheese can be so addicting!
Hooray for coconut oil...oh, and low prices, of course!
I just ordered the coconut oil, thanks for the tip.
Have you ever tried sprouted wheat bread? It is soooo good. I just started making it. It is so moist and whole wheat. I would love to get the recipe to you and see what you think?...I could put it on my blog for you to look at.
Do you do much sprouting?
Thanks for answering my questions before.
Cassie: I have tried sprouted wheat bread but I have yet to make my own. I would LOVE to try your recipe!!! I have sprouted off and on! We love sprouts and buy them frequently at the health food store. I just bought a bunch of sprouting seeds and I hope to get into a better habit of sprouting and always having them around. I would love any helps and tips you have!
I don't know what I would eat, if it wasn't for Tam's recipes.
Tam go check out my latest mother's day post. I need your address!
WOW is all i have to say. i just found your blog and i love it. it is JUST what i have been looking for. i am thrilled to try your recipes. THANK YOU!
I discovered it works great in place of margarine on grilled sandwiches, poured directly on popcorn with salt also(in warm weather, melt if cooler weather). Kim
I use it for soapmaking, popping popcorn, cooking veggies, stir fry, anything! Oh, it makes homeade maple syrup taste divine.
You mentioned that you substitute coconut oil for butter, shortening and margarine. Do you use the same amount that the recipe calls for - i.e. two tablespoons of butter equals two tablespoons of coconut oil? Thanks.
Anonymous: Yep that is pretty much what I do. I have found with some recipes I actually use a little less coconut oil but yeah it's pretty close to the same.
Coconut oil is amazing! We use it for everything in this household, from a beauty item to goodness healthy fat to make veggie tamales that leave me so satisfied yet light. Love coconut oil!
How long does a 5 lb. bucket of coconut oil last at your home? Does coconut oil have a shelf life?
Thanks Tammie! I LOVE your blog!
Jenni: A 5 GALLON bucket (I'm not sure how many pounds that is) Last our family usually just over a year. I have never had the unrefined kind go bad. I store about 2 5 gallon buckets at a time. One we are using oil out of and one that is sealed until the other is gone. I just rotate them that way usually buying another bucket as the first one runs out. It should be kept as cool as possible. I keep mine in our basement food storage room. I have had it keep well for over a year some say they have had theirs up to 5 years but I recommend you use it and rotate it so that you don't have any older then 2 years. It can go bad like any other oil. But if kept cool seems to have a pretty long shelf life.
So glad you love my blog I hope you continue to find it helpful! Have a great day!
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