Alright sorry I'm a little slow at getting this posted but no worries it's so simple I'm sure most of you are already doing it! ;) Before I tell you the first step I want to mention a little bit about exercise. Exercise is very important but like most things it has been WAY overdone. People tend to go from one extreme to the other. Now if you are a very active person and love to exercise and have been doing it for years hooray for you, keep it up! I have found that most people like how they feel when they exercise but never stay consistent with it. I think part of the problem is that they go from hardly any or no exercise to trying to do big workouts at least an hour a day. I don't blame them for not sticking with it! That's just a killer and I'm sure your body will yell at you!
Okay my point; If you already have a exercise routine that works for you stick with it. If you find you don't exercise much try to do some form of MODERATE exercise (the P90Xers are now breathing a sigh of relief;) for 20 minutes 5 days a week or 30 minutes 3 times a week. Go for a little walk, get a mini-tramp and jump on it, do some Yoga or Pilate's, play a sport, ride a bike just something you enjoy and will do consistently. As with all things be sure to use common sense! If you do something dumb and hurt yourself don't blame me. If you think it would be wise to consult your Doctor be sure to do so.
Now if you have health problems that keep you from exercising DON'T WORRY implementing the 8 weekly steps will help! You will find you not only look and feel better but you just may find you are able to get up and move! Just listen and be nice to your body it's the only one you've got!
Now for the first step! Starting with week 1 and continuing through the 8 weeks and hopefully longer. All you need to do is......
Yep that's it! You do not need to worry about doing ANYTHING else this week just drink water! You can still drink your soda and juice and whatever else you normally drink but this does NOT count toward your water intake! You should be drinking 1 ounce of water daily for every 2 pounds of your body weight. So a 150 pound person would need to drink 75 ounces of water a day. There are 8 ounces in a cup so this person would need to drink about 9 1/2 cups of water a day. How much are you drinking?
Most people do not drink enough water! It is so important! I cannot stress it enough! I know we have all heard that we could go for weeks without food but you can only live for a few days without water! I won't go into any more detail here but if you would like to learn more about the importance of water may I suggest this book
One more thing: I suggest you get some type of a filter like those ones that go in the pitchers or hook up to your kitchen faucet. Chlorine is nice for cleaning the water but our bodies really don't want it so it's best to filter it out. I won't go into the Fluoridation thing either but I also think it's best not to drink it either. We actually have a R.O. unit which I highly recommend they are at least 150 bucks but worth every penny! If neither of those are an option you could also just add a little lemon or lime to the water it will help clean it a little and it's also quite cleansing and very good for you and most people really like the the taste! Now there you have it...........
Hey Thanks! I know that are family eats healthy- but I know you are right, we don't drink enough water.
Not sure how I found your blog...but here I am ...
so ok...drink water...I can handle that...
So as of tomorrow (i do not want to be up all night with my porcelain
I will drink the recommended amount of water...but wow...that will be a hug stretch...I do not drink juices or sodas...but that is so much water...
I will let you know how I do...
Thanks for the info...
I'm on board. I'm looking forward to week 2!
I'm on board and I'm looking forward to what you have to say for week 2!
I know you have told me all these before, but I am so excited to try and do it week by week as you post it...I am anxious to feel the difference, and I know it works. I am very happy that you are using your knowledge to help others. You are just amazing. I love you Mom.
I drink about half my body weight in water every day. I try to drink it mostly in the day time, but there are times I do wake up in the middle of the night to visit the little girls room if I drank too late.
Not a bad price to pay for drinking what is a basic necessity for us to survive.
So, I have read through the steps and was trying to implement this and that, but decided to make it more effective, and gently work on some of the other steps, but mainly work on this one. I got my husband a HUGE bubba keg. So far, he's not drank it enough. For me, I thought I drank enough, but realized I could still have more. SO last week I drank the second bubba keg but this week I am back to drinking about one, which isn't enough for me a nursing mom. So I may hang onto this goal for three weeks to make it a good habit before I move on.
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