Anyway I had some of this
That made me curious! So I tried it! My hair definitely felt different as I was rinsing it out and I was worried that there would be heavy residue left in my hair. It did lather really well though! After the first washing it didn't seem quite as clean as when I used my other more expensive shampoo but then I read on the label. It said that it will feel different than you are used to because it doesn't strip out the natural oils from your hair the way most shampoos do.
So I gave it another try and another and another and well after 2 months of using nothing but the shampoo bar; I'm excited to share that I have a new favorite shampoo. It looks like a bar of soap. It's about 4 times less money than shampoo I was using and I think it lasts lots longer. And my hair well my hair is very happy now. I think it feels cleaner, healthier, and more natural then ever before. It doesn't need conditioner because the natural oils are still there. I do put a tiny amount of coconut oil on the ends still because I have long hair and the ends tend to get pretty dry and damaged. I got a shampoo bar for the kids shower too and my daughter who has tons of thick beautiful hair says she likes how well it works for her hair! Of course I ended up getting the shampoo bar shelf for each shower so the bar will stay more dry and last as long as possible.
I just love it when I find something simple, healthy and affordable that works! I just had to share!
Just bought 4 bars. I have been looking for something for my hair and was really hesitant to try the baking soda/apple cider vinegar thing. Thank you for this post!
Ninny: I tried the baking soda/vinegar thing both me and my daughter. It didn't work for us at all. My Mom likes it though.
Hi Tammie! How are you? Its Michelle G from Eagle Mountain. I have oily skin (great for the skin later in life - less wrinkles, so thats a plus) and I have been washing my hair every other day for years now..and still have really oily hair the second day and need to use baking soda on my roots to absorb a little. How do you think this would work for oily hair? I have had a problem with using natural ingredients like baking soda and vinegar, but working with the public..i need to "look clean" and have resorted back to traditional shampoos. Let me know your thoughts :)
Michelle: Hey Girl! I'm doing good. How are you? Heard there are changes coming again to the ward. Crazy! Sure miss everyone.
You might find that it helps to not have the natural oils washed out with regular shampoo so your body wont think it needs to keep making more. I would for sure try a bar if I were you and see if it works. I would look and see if they have a kind for oily hair. If not I would just try the regular. And yep less wrinkles is a plus! Way to look at the positive. ;)
Hi Tammy! Thanks for Sharing! I too have been looking for something affordable! I might have missed it but what brand are you using?? :)
Sherrie Olsen: I like J.R. Liggetts Damaged Hair bar. That is my current favorite.
Do you have soft water? I've read that shampoo bars don't work as well with hard water.
May Family: I don't have a regular salt pellet water softener. We have a citrus filter type "softener" that actually the filter is due for a change. It does make the water somewhat "softer" but would be a bit different then a water softener. It may make a difference on how hard your water is but I think it should still do pretty good. I mean it lathers better than ANY kind of shampoo I have ever used.
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