Alright back to the beauty products. I will just share with you what I use on a regular basis and found that I really like.
The new additions and updates will be like this in red.
Shampoo and Conditioner:
This one is still my very favorite!
I really like this one too!
Revitalize shampoo & conditioner

Currently I am I was using castile liquid soap that I have bought from Mountain Rose Herbs That I add Be Young oils to. (Hopefully I will tell you more about those oils one day. For now just know that the more I use them the more they are quickly becoming my favorite oils. I have tried quite a few brands.I highly recommend these ones especially for healing purposes!) So far this shampoo is my favorite and the most affordable. I currently am using Rosemary and Thyme oils in it because they are supposed to help with hair growth, shiny silky hair, and dry scalp! (for some reason every winter my head gets mad at me! I am finding a using coconut oil as a scalp treatment helps and it would help more it I did it more often.)
I don't however care for the price.

Alright let me explain about the castile soap this worked well for a while but then it didn't seem to rinse out and left my hair feeling heavy. I have since researched it a bit and to use for shampoo I need to dillute it with water or herbal infusions. I plan to try this but haven't yet. I really want to figure out make my own (it's much more affordable) for now BF&C shampoo and Revitalize are my favorites.
Bars of Soap:
Alright my all time favorite bar of soap is Dr. Christopher's BF&C soap. It's not the cheapest soap out there but it works great. I have even used it to get poop stains off onesies (you mom's know how hard that can be;) Mostly I love it for in the shower. It's great for shaving your legs and if you cut yourself you already have the healing herbs right there! ;) Ryan says it works better then anything for getting grease and grime off his hands after a hard days work!
BUT because it's not the cheapest I also buy this. It's affordable works decent and I have got the unscented kind to try to melt down add some oils to both for smell and healing and then remold. Maybe one day I hope to make my very own soap! But it's not super high on my list of priorities right this minute!
I'm thinking the BF&C soap is worth the price it really just works better then ANYTHING else I have tried. Maybe one day I will make my own! I am getting closer to that day I have taken some soap making classes but I still have yet to buy some lye.
For Deodorant This Stuff that I make myself is by far the BEST we have EVER used!
For Toothpaste I have used Dr. Christopher's Tooth Powder (I liked it, my teeth are shiny, white, and healthy when I use it but it's like brushing your teeth with dirt and with kids expect and very dirty sink ;) It is great made into a pack and put on teeth for toothache but that's another post. I wouldn't want to be without this stuff!) I currently use a drop of Shine oil again from Be Young now called Younifi on my toothbrush or Spice for Life oil Both work GREAT!
For Perfume I of course have come to really love Essential Oils for perfume. Regular perfume just smells like alcohol now to me. And those scented lotions are so full of not good stuff! Romance is my current favorite for perfume but I'm sure there are some other great ones too! (I have recently been using Be Young's Venus Essential oil it smells so nice and helps balance my hormones to boot! I still also really like the Romance oil too!) Find a scent you love and indulge cause you deserve it!!!
For Moisturizer/lotion I use coconut oil (the Virgin Unrefined kind) scented with essential oils AGAIN! ;) I have thought about adding some Shea Butter so it will go on smoother. But I have loved coconut oil for my face hands and all over. I feel like my skin gets younger every time I put it on! I have heard said if you wouldn't eat it don't put it on your skin. Well I eat coconut oil all the time! ;) I buy it in bulk from Mountain Rose Herbs! The coconut oil is still working WONDERFUL! My skin looks, feels, and is healthier then it's ever been. I LOVE IT! Another later update: This cream recipe is my favorite I use it all over just like lotion and the coconut oil for leave in hair conditioner and if I have really dry spots. For cracked hands and feet this stuff is awesome!!!
Alright for makeup I order mine from here. I like them because they sell samples of almost everything so you can try some before you spend a bunch of money and buy a lot. I keep it really simple and probably only wear makeup once or twice a week! I have some brown blush that I use for my cheeks and eyeshadow. I have some eyeliner and mascara and sometimes lip gloss. Be Young now called Younifi also has a makeup line that I have heard really good things about but have not tried it yet. But I think I want to! When I do I will tell you what I think. If you have tried it please let us know what you think! (Still haven't tried it, still have the same little bit of makeup I bought years ago. Just goes to show you how much I wear makeup!)
Alright I think that covers it. Let me know if you have questions or if I forgot something! Hope that helps! Remember to keep it Simple, Healthy, and Fun!
Tam, did you get a chance to try the Organic Excellence wild mint styling spray. It is a wonderful hairspray/styling spray for those of us with shorter hair and fine limp hair (like mine) It is a life saver for me, and all natural. I get it at the same site you posted for your make up. (
By the way, that almond scented bar soap that you gave me is now one of my favorites. Sure love ya, Mom
i'm with mom on the Excellence wild mint styling terrific. And you can use it for a breath freshener too. Kidding!
Bryan loves Dr. Bronners shampoo. Me? Meh. Good to know it works for cleaning house though.
love to ya...
Mom: I have not tried the hair spray. I have gone so long without it that for now it works for me to just not use any. But thanks for the reminder because I'm sure there are many people who would love to stop spraying those harsh chemicals on their hair and in their house every morning! ;)
Thanks for this post Tammie! I took thorough notes. I need to learn more about these Be Young essential oils.
Yes, Tammy, thanks for the info! I've been wondering what things to use for a long time now and it's great to have input from someone who's tried it :) You're amazing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Just the info I needed since I've been searching the web for healthier beauty products.
I am fairly new to your blog and love it! Thank you for all the recipes and good info. I have a question, what is hard white wheat and soft white wheat, and where do you get them? Thanks again for everything!
Sharee: Hard White Wheat is similar to your hard red winter wheat only lighter in color and texture. Soft White Wheat is softer and whiter kind of looks like barley kernals. I like to use soft white for cookies and hard white for breads.
I'm sure you could find these grains at a health food store. I have seen them in bags and buckets as Costco sometimes. I order mine in bulk through Azure Standard. You can see if they deliver to your area by going to there website.
Tammie a while back you mentioned posting a recipe for mango salsa, do you have it?
Anonymous: You know I thought I had but it appears I didn't! I will post one sometime but for now here's a easy little one!
Mango Salsa
1-2 mangoes
1 small bunch cilantro chopped
1/4 cup chopped onion
1-2 jalapenoes chopped (with or without seeds, with if you like it hot)
juice and zest of one lime
sea salt to taste
Mix in a bowl and enjoy!
That's my Bajio version of mango salsa it's not super great on it's own much better mixed in with a taco salad. But soooo good that way!
Thanks for this post. I have tried about 5 different shampoo recipes and Dr. Bronner's soap, but it just doesn't do the job. I know there's something out there natural that does, but I was about to give up. Thanks for the hookups. Again, Love your site..
Have you ever heard of Doterra oils? Amazing.
Tiffany: I have heard of DoTerra oils. In fact I have used some. In my experience Be Young is by far my favorite essential oils. I know the owner of the company I know his history. He is a man of integrity and I fully trust that his oils are pure. They are also the only ones I know of that have E.O.B.B.D pure oils. Not saying that others are not pure but they have NOT earned my trust like Be Young has.
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