Just a reminder this was written for my neighborhood Biggest Loser contest just in case you are confused! ;) I hope the info can be beneficial to all who read it and I hope many of you are trying the challenges!
Alright this week is probably going to be your hardest yet! Are you strong enough to try it? You only have to do it for 6 weeks and if you don't see the benefit for not only you but your entire family you are welcome to go back to your old habits! But if you are serious about this Biggest Loser stuff and you really want to see some long term results you will jump on and do what I did over 7 years ago! You will...............
Alright this week is probably going to be your hardest yet! Are you strong enough to try it? You only have to do it for 6 weeks and if you don't see the benefit for not only you but your entire family you are welcome to go back to your old habits! But if you are serious about this Biggest Loser stuff and you really want to see some long term results you will jump on and do what I did over 7 years ago! You will...............
So what is it you have to toss? Is it your scale? That actually wouldn't be a bad idea but since you are using it to compete right now you may want to hang on to it for a few more weeks! ;) Is it your FAT clothes? Again tossing those would be good too! I know the neighborhood is having a yard sale and would love to sell them back to you if you find your just not cut out to be the Biggest Loser! Maybe it's your video game console or heck your whole dang TV? Again any of these things would probably help you on your way to becoming the Biggest Loser but for right now the ONLY thing you need to toss is the.............
..... JUNK FOOD!!
Come on just do it! Go through your house and just get rid of it! ALL of it! I don't want to hear, "but the kids will have a fit without their soda, candy bars, and goldfishes!" I think Dad and Mom will miss it more then the kids! Quit using them as your scapegoat who are the parents anyway! You can just tell them that you need their help in winning this Biggest Loser contest I'm sure they will be happy to help especially if you offer them half your winnings. Common your not scared are you? It's only for 6 weeks! What are you afraid of? Admit it you are addicted to at least one, four, ten, or more different kinds of JUNK food! You tell yourself that you could go without it at any time. Well here is your chance to prove it to yourself. If you are addicted you WILL have withdrawals and cravings for a little while until it is out of your system. Six weeks is just about enough time to let your body know that you mean business and that you are serious about getting rid of those junk food cravings.
You will find for a little while you will really crave your comforting junk food. But if you have been drinking your water and green smoothies your body will be thanking you and won't find too much time to complain and I promise it won't complain for very long. If you find you are still very scared and not quite up to it you can go here and try making some healthier treats that will help you through your cravings. Also if you need that extra motivation and something that will help you to be informed instead of being easily swayed by marketing try reading the book Sugar Blues
or Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills
, heck do a search and see that the only one who benefits from you eating junk food are those selling it to you! Are you really going to let them win? Wouldn't you much rather be the one in control? I have also heard that Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal
is highly motivating!
To make it a bit more simple I will give you a list of a few ingredients that I want you to start looking for. Go through your cupboards and throw out ANYTHING that has these ingredients listed as one of the first five. Then be sure not to buy ANYTHING with these ingredients in them at all.
Here is the SHORT list! ;)
Refined White Sugar
High Fructose Corn Syrup
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Aspartame (Nutrasweet)
Sucralose (Splenda)
Saccharin (Sweet & Low)
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Artificial Colors (Red 40, yellow, lake blue, etc.)
Partially Hydrogenated (Oils of ANY kind also known as trans-fats)
Margarine (one molecule away from being plastic you don't eat plastic do you?)
Now just for fun I thought I would post this little video!
I'm sure most of you have seen the corn syrup commercials. You can read my opinions about it here! Think about it do you really want good marketing to control what you eat. You wouldn't put the wrong kind of gas in your car! If you did it wouldn't run! So why do you keep expecting to put the wrong kind of food in your body and have it run properly? Give your body what it needs! They call it JUNK food for a reason! It's JUNK! It belongs in the garbage so go ahead, just
Toss it...
we do not have any junk foods...
well...may be white sugar and margarine...margarine one molecule away from plastic??? you got to be kidding me?!!!...
WOW...amazing how we trust others to tell us what is good to put in our bodies...and trust that what is in it is fine for our bodies...hmm....plastic does not sound good to me...
Does that mean butter is in?
What about heart issues and butter...plus I am already over weight and trying to loose weight...will have to look into that one...do you have any good books to recommend that I read as we are going off blog world for the summer....
I would appreciate any good reading on the subjects...
Hey Tammie, for your cinnamon roll recipe can you use brewer's yeast instead of yeast or is that something totally different...I'm new to all this but I think I am on the right track. Also can brewer's yeast be used in the Cheezy sauce or is that different than the nutritional yeast?
Nadine: Butter is better than margine it is much more natural but it also comes from animal fat which was meant to grow baby animals to be really big! So it will grow humans to be much bigger then they were meant to be. My favorite replacement for butter is coconut oil. It is high in fat but being from a plant/tree it seems to be better used by our bodies and we don't store so much like we do with the animal fat.
Hummm books, I linked a few on this post. Also I highly recommend The China Study. I know there are a lot of good books about coconut oil by Bruce Fife so do an Amazon search for him. Also I hear John Robbins has some very enlightening books. Also I love John R. Christopher's stuff it's more about herbs but nutrition plays a big part. That ought to get you through the Summer! ;)Happy Reading!
Vanessa: I have not used brewer's yeast but I believe it is closer to nutritional yeast. Does it have bigger flakes then bread yeast and is it more yellow in color? Does it smell more "cheesy" instead of "yeasty?"
You want to use regular bread yeast in the cinnamon rolls or other bread recipes. One day I would like to learn how to do sour doughs and breads that don't need yeast but I have not attempted that yet but I will; One day;) And quite honestly I have come to like my "Best Yet" bread recipe better then the roll recipe for the cinnamon rolls. It doesn't dry out as fast so leftovers are better. Of course keeping them covered is a must too. ;)
Okay, a little shocking about Margarine and plastic! Thank goodness we've been using plant based butters for a while now and just recently started incorporating coconut butter due to our daughter's allergies. We've got a long way to go but it was a HUGE wakeup call watching the Rave diet that my mother-in-law showed us.
Crazy. Budding homemaker trying to make better choices and you are quite insiring. Thank you!
What is your opinion on "natural" energy bars like those made by Odwalla. Do you consider those as junk food?
I would LOOOOOOOVE to see the "long list" if this is the short one! ;) :) I am so excited I am finally educating myself more in nutrition and thank you for all you provide!
Anonymous: The Odwalla bars for the most part appear to have really good ingredients of course from what I have heard some of them taste like it too ;) Lara bars are also great so no if they have good ingredients I would not consider them part of the junk food. But there ARE some of those so called "natural" energy bars that I would toss right with the Kit-Kat and the Snickers! Just READ those ingredients!
Breezy: You want my long list look at that link! ;)
Does COconut oil taste like coconut? and you use that in place of all oils?
Memmott Family: It depends on the kind the really good kind does smell and have kind of the taste of coconut. And no I use some other oils too. I like extra virgin cold pressed olive oil I also use some grapeseed and sesame oils. Again I always try to get cold pressed.
Do you have kinda a stand by straight across substitute or list of sustitutes for corn syrup to healthify SAD recipes?
Emily: I usually use Agave it works really well as a corn syrup substitute. Honey and/or pure maple syrup, although stronger also will work in a pinch!
I am still going through the steps working to make each one a habit. I do have some 'junk', for emergencies, very very old crisco, white sugar in the food storage....we are using only our sucanat, I hate to throw it away do you think I ought to? We are moving soon and I can give it away, would anyone want old food storage? Thoughts? We are talking perhaps 5 buckets of sugar, 5 of white flour and buckets of vegtable lard and crisco, I wouldn't wish on my enemy but in a big big pinch, I'd be grateful for.
Emily: I would probably give them away or sell them super cheap if it were me. I know I'm like you I wouldn't with them or my enemy but lots of people use them and would be grateful for them. And if you are still building up a more healthy food storage you might want to keep some until you have built up the more healthy ones maybe I don't know I guess in a pinch they would feel bellies but I know I would be super sick if I started eating very much of that stuff. In an emergency that wouldn't be good!
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