Mexican Pizza
Whole grain flour tortillas (pan fried in coconut oil until crisp)
chopped fresh onion OR
Mushrooms and onions, sauteed and seasoned
chopped tomatoes
sliced olives
chopped lettuce
Salsa (optional)
On each persons plate, have them take a crisp tortilla and spread it with refried beans and cheezy sauce. Then place another crisp tortilla on top of that. Then top with a little more cheezy sauce and all the other ingredients. You can slice it with a pizza cutter (kind of) and eat it or just pick the whole thing up or use a fork whatever you choose it's a fun meal that the whole family loves and its fun to eat. Basically another version of taco salads! Fun and Yummy!!!!
I thought you just might enjoy a picture of me with my sisters! Since I mention them quite a bit! (Thanks Em for letting me steal the picture off your blog) I have lots of other wonderful family too but these gals have really helped to keep this blog interesting. One as you may already know shares recipes right here on a fairly regular basis. The other one as mentioned before has given me lots of help to get better photos, a few great recipes here and there and has been single handedly working on a tedious project that will improve Simple, Healthy, Tasty in a BIG way! But you will have to wait because that's a surprise! ;)

Thank you, thank you my sweet sisters!
Hey Hey Hey! You are more than welcome to steal pictures from my blog any time of the day. And how fun that you posted Mexican know, I bet there are a lot of recipes like this that don't get posted...because they are so simple, we don't even think about it. Good on ya, Sis! Have a happy day!!
Love all the new recipes. Talked to Em and I will be trying out spelt on our family, or should I say hubby!
Love these girls, so beautiful and inspiring :)
Really cute pic of you and the sisters! My family, I noticed lasy night, like the simple recipes the best!
I love quick and easy dinners. Thanks for the recipe. It's similar to a haystack recipe that we eat a lot of but just enough different. I don't usually fry my tortillas, but I liked the texture it added. Very yummy!
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